Christian Economics Won the Election


How could anyone possibly show a picture of a homeless, poverty stricken family in an article whose title contains the words, Christian Economics?  Aren’t activities called Christian supposed to express God’s love for everyone?

Therein lies the problem of America today.  So called Christian Economics is code for the unregulated capitalism which is the goal of right-leaning Radical Christians.  Christian Economics is a scheme through which God is thought to bless the rich and treat the less fortunate as sinners.  God is seen as the power that enables the greedy to succeed.  The result is an upward transfer of wealth, and an increasingly staggering income inequality in our society.  It has gotten that way through the power of Christian Economics.  Already, the top 10% of the U.S. controls 78% of America’s wealth.  And, changing the politicians who support Christian Economics will not change the system.

For all practical purposes, Christian Economics won the 2014 election.  Candidate after candidate was elected because she or he promoted a fear that upper middle class and rich folk would lose power and wealth.  One city even banned homelessness.

However, Jesus blows the socks right off Christian Economics.  In a moving passage in Matthew 25 Jesus said, “Inasmuch as you have cared for those of my family who are homeless, hungry, sick or in prison, you have given yourselves unto me.  But if you have not served the least of these, also my family, you have not cared for me.”  This is the counter-cultural theme of the New Testament.  God loves ALL her children.

Please HelpTrue change, true resolution of the rapidly growing income equality that leaves homeless moms in the street with their kids, that allows big box retailers to pay for thirty hours a week to avoid providing health insurance for millions of workers, that keeps minimum wages for other millions below the poverty level, will require radical realignments  in our economy in access to and distribution of wealth.

Such radical change will not begin with readjustment of government priorities.  It must begin with transformational change of the hearts and souls of those same business leaders who are clever enough to devise inventive systems that enhance their wealth at the expense of the workers.  Surely, they are skilled enough to restructure America’s economy so that all can participate equitably in the nation’s Gross National Product.

True Christianity invites commitment to a God who calls us to care for “the least of these,” and eliminate the evil of income inequality.  Such conversion of soul will not magically arise from riots and protests of the poor that lead to pacification, but not change.  It will come only when those who lead, those with power, listen to the whispering of God in their hearts.

You don’t think this can happen?  It may only be a beginning, but a corporate lawyer in a huge New Town, in Texas yet, has gradually assembled a cadre of CEO’s who have committed to creating an alternative to Christian Economics.  They started, not by out-maneuvering the Tea Party militants who crudely intimidated voters at polls in 2012, but by forming the Voter Awareness Council, (7) a non-partisan action group that has gotten business leaders thinking about the common good for all the residents, whether wealthy or on welfare.

Prior to the 2014 election and at polling places on election day, the Voter Awareness Council circulated a well done flyer in which each candidate for any level of government spelled out her or his platform not vitriol about opponents.  The Council also positively but firmly kept Tea Party activists from confronting and threatening voters as they arrived at polling places.  The outcome was much more democratic, with candidates who care about the welfare of the whole community and state being elected.  Yes, this was spearheaded by well-to-do CEO’s.  I know the story.  The lawyer is my son.

conferenceNow go back and read Matthew 25:31-46, and pray for guidance about what you can do in your own community to counter “Christian capitalism” with the actual teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

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